MHRC 2019-2020 Annual Report

MHRC 2019-2020 Annual Report: […] The financial information presented elsewhere in the annual report is consistent with that i n the financial statements. Managem ent maintains internal controls to provide reasonable assurance as to the reliability and accuracy of financial information, and to ensure that the assets of the Manitoba Horse Racing Commission are properly safeguarded. The r esponsibility of the auditor is to express […]

MHRC 2020-2021 Annual Report

MHRC 2020-2021 Annual Report: […] The financial inform ation presented elsewhere in the annual report is consistent with that in the financial statements. Management m aintains internal controls to provide reasonable assurance as to the reliability and accuracy of financial information, and to ensure that the assets of the Manitoba Horse Racing Commission are properly safeguarded. The responsi bility of the auditor is to express […]

2004-05 Annual Report English

MGCC 2004-05 Annual Report English: […] mandates. ACTIVITIES •Conduct independent and collaborative research projects relevant to regulatory requirements, emerging issues and the public interest. •Develop and implement communications strategies in support of policy development, implementation and maintenance. •Prepare and provide accurate and relevant information about the MGCC, gaming related issues and research, policy decisions and policy implementation in a variety of formats for the Minister, the […]

2003-04 Annual Report English

MGCC 2003-04 Annual Report English: […] has issued an unqualified opinion on our annual financial statements. These statements are prepared by the MGCC’s management in keeping with established internal control mechanisms, such as the design and maintenance of accounting records, the selection and application of accounting policies, safeguarding assets and preventing and detecting error and fraud. A review of these statements shows that our operating revenues […]

2001-02 Annual Report English

MGCC 2001-02 Annual Report English: […] such as: detailed business plans or marketing strategies, prize guarantees, or stricter reporting requirements. • No jurisdiction registered suppliers of raffle prizes but five jurisdictions registered suppliers of services (i.e. professional fundraisers, management firms, audit firms, etc.). 22 MANITOBA GAMING CONTROL COMMISSION REVIEW OF BINGO/ BREAKOPEN TERMS AND CONDITIONS In the new fiscal year the Charitable Gaming Committee will begin […]

2020-21 Annual Report English

LGCA 2020-21 Annual Report English web version: […] liquor, gaming and cannabis industries. Mission To serve the public interest by regulating liquor, gaming and cannabis in a respectful, impartial and balanced manner. Values • Respect: We promote a professional culture that recognizes the diversity of our staff and stakeholders. • Innovation: We are flexible, forward-thinking and adaptive to the dynamic industries we regulate. • Integrity: We hold ourselves […]