New Horse Racing Regulator
On April 1, 2022, the LGCA became the new regulator for horse racing in Manitoba. With the proclamation of The Horse Racing Regulatory Modernization Act (click here to view), the regulatory responsibilities for horse racing were integrated into those of the LGCA. The Horse Racing Commission Act was repealed and the Manitoba Horse Racing Commission was eliminated.
The Horse Racing Regulatory Modernization Act amended the The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act (click here to view) to expand the LGCA's authority to the regulation of horse racing. Horse Racing Regulation 40/2022 and Pari-Mutuel Levy Regulation 22/2022 were created under The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act.
Recognizing that horse racing has an established history, the LGCA conducted formal consultations in June 2019 with the main stakeholder groups of Manitoba’s horse racing industry. No significant changes had been made to The Horse Racing Commission Act since its inception in 1965, so these consultation findings were used to inform and guide the LGCA’s development of a modern legislative framework for horse racing. The LGCA shared the findings from these consultations in Manitoba’s Horse Racing Modernization: 2020 Report to Stakeholders (click here to view). The new framework that was developed gives Manitoba's horse racing industry valuable improvements such as streamlined processes and the removal of burdensome regulatory requirements.
For approximately two years after the initial government announcement of the integration, the LGCA had administrative oversight of the Manitoba Horse Racing Commission through dual appointment of the executive director to both organizations. This structure assisted with the melding of the Manitoba Horse Racing Commission into the LGCA’s existing regulatory regime.
Click here to learn more about horse racing regulation and licensing with the LGCA.