Smart Choices is the LGCA suite of certification programs required for all hospitality industry and cannabis industry employees. We partner with Neovation to offer these programs through their SmarterU learning management system. Visit the program website at SmartChoicesMB.ca.
The LGCA has updated the Smart Choices Liquor Service and Retail Certification program. Please scroll below for answers to some frequently asked questions.
NOTE: All course codes previously purchased through MTEC have now expired. To access the course, you will need to purchase a new code through Neovation at SmartChoicesMB.ca.
The new programs, which are designed to be more interactive and accessible, cost $25, a savings of $20.
If you have questions about Smart Choices, please contact us (select Smart Choices in the inquiry dropdown menu).

Smart Choices Liquor Service and Retail Certification
All staff who serve, sell or deliver liquor, and security and managers in licensed service and retail establishments must complete Smart Choices before starting work. The certification costs $25 and is valid for five years.
Visit SmartChoicesMB.ca to take the program and test.
If you previously took Smart Choices through MTEC, the expiry date on your card continues to apply. If you have misplaced your card, please contact us to request a replacement by selecting “Smart Choices” in the inquiry dropdown and include your full name and email address in your inquiry.
The goal of Smart Choices is to increase public safety. This training focuses on legal and safety obligations at liquor service and liquor retail establishments, such as checking ID, not serving to intoxicated people, knowing your responsibilities under liquor laws, and dealing with safety and security risks at work. Smart Choices also includes problem gambling awareness training, as gambling generally is offered in businesses where liquor is served. Requiring the same liquor and gambling training for everyone means that the Smart Choices certification is transferable across the hospitality industry.

Smart Choices Cannabis Retail Certification
Managers and staff who sell cannabis in a licensed retail store must complete Smart Choices before beginning work. The certification costs $25 and is valid for five years.
Visit SmartChoicesMB.ca to take the program and test.