The LGCA is led by a board appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. The board sets the strategic direction for the LGCA and provides advice and recommendations to the Minister charged with the administration of The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act. The board also hears appeals of the executive director’s decisions and orders.

Board members address regulatory and policy advisory matters at regular board and committee meetings. From time to time, and to address or resolve specific matters, the members may establish ad hoc committees to consider, research and report on regulatory or policy matters.

Board Members

  • Pat Britton, Chair, Winnipeg
  • Stéphane D. Dorge, Vice-Chair, Winnipeg
  • Nathan Ballantyne, Member, East Selkirk
  • Gurdeep Chahal, Member, Winnipeg
  • Kiran Claire, Member, Winnipeg
  • Melissa Dvorak, Member, Winnipeg
  • Peter Fuchs, Member, Winnipeg
  • Sofia Mirza, Member, Winnipeg
  • Gerald Rosenby, Member, Winnipeg

Executive Director and CEO

Kristianne Dechant