Municipal Raffle Licensing

Under Order-in-Council No. 110/2014, local gaming authorities, including municipalities, local government districts and incorporated communities, are allowed to license charitable and religious organizations located within their boundaries to hold raffles where the total prizes for each raffle do not exceed $3,000.

For any raffle types that a municipality does not license or raffles with total prizes exceeding $3,000, the charitable or religious organization must apply for a licence from the LGCA. Visit the charitable gaming page for more information.

Individuals or businesses cannot be licensed by municipalities to hold raffles and must contact the LGCA to determine if their request qualifies for licensing under the Criminal Code (Canada).

    Local Option

    Most Manitoba municipalities allow liquor sales and service, video lottery gaming and cannabis sales in their communities. However, under the Local Option on Liquor and Cannabis Sales and Video Lottery Gaming in The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act a municipality can restrict or partially restrict liquor sales or service, prohibit video lottery gaming or prohibit the sale of cannabis.