Can volunteers buy breakopen tickets? Can children buy breakopen tickets?

No, all workers, including volunteers, who sell breakopen tickets at an event are prohibited from buying breakopen tickets at that specific event. Also, children are prohibited from buying breakopen tickets. Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to sell, purchase or redeem breakopen tickets.

Can volunteers play bingo? Can children play bingo?

Children and all volunteers at a bingo may play, with the exception of the caller. Callers at a bingo event may not play bingo at any time during that event, even if they only call for a portion of the event. Organizations must specify in their house rules if they choose to exclude other workers or volunteers and children from …

Must house rules be posted at an event?

Yes, the LGCA requires organizations to provide copies of the game program, house rules and the LGCA’s standard rules of play to players at each event.

Can breakopen tickets be sold at functions outside of, or in addition to, a licensee’s bingo events?

Yes, providing the organization obtains an approved licence or amendment from the LGCA. Many organizations sell breakopen tickets at winter carnivals or other locations in addition to their ongoing bingo events. If the organization has not identified the special event in their original application, a licence amendment form must be submitted and approved before you can start selling breakopen tickets. …

What should our organization do if there is a problem with a breakopen unit?

Breakopen errors are relatively rare and are dealt with between the LGCA, Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries and the manufacturer. However, it is important that you contact the LGCA if you find problems with a unit. If the problem is related to mixed serial numbers, poor colour or issues of product quality, the organization will likely be permitted to continue selling …

How do licensees handle bingo or breakopen product short shipments and/or damaged paper?

Organizations must contact the LGCA to let us know. The LGCA follows exactly what you have purchased as recorded inventory on your financial reports, so it is important to notify us of any large damages or missing product. The LGCA will often conduct physical inventory counts during an inspection to help maintain accurate product counts.

Are there any limitations on advertising our bingo/breakopen?

Bingo/breakopen can only be advertised in Manitoba and you cannot advertise your bingo/breakopen until your licence is approved. All advertisements must contain the name of the licensed organization and your licence number. If you are advertising on the internet, you must indicate that the event is intended for Manitoba residents only. Advertisements must adhere to federal, provincial and community advertising …