This licence is for liquor-focused businesses that offer activities intended for adults. Minors (under 18 years old) cannot enter an age-restricted venue. Examples include a stand-alone bar, nightclub, live entertainment venue, casino, or gaming centre.
Learn about a general liquor service licence, for businesses that offer activities appropriate for minors (e.g., restaurants, sports and recreation facilities, hair salons).
Requirements and Responsibilities of Licensees
Age-restricted licensees must comply with the legislation, regulations, and any specific terms and conditions imposed by the LGCA.
Licensees with age-restricted licences may apply for an authorization to admit minors under certain circumstances:
- on a specific date to attend a community event; or
- during days and/or times specified in the authorization.
Find out how to request an authorization.
Terms and Conditions
Application Form
A complete form can be sent by email to, or mail to Commercial Licensing, 1055 Milt Stegall Drive, Winnipeg MB R3G 0Z6. The following must be submitted with the form:
- Non-refundable application fee of $1,000 CAD
- Corporate documents (e.g., articles of incorporation, file summary, registers), including at least one document that identifies principals (e.g., officers, directors, shareholders).
As application fees are non-refundable, before applying for a licence, ensure you are:
- an individual, partnership or corporation authorized to do business in Manitoba; and
- the owner of the business and have a ‘valid interest’ in the property where the establishment will be located (i.e., owning or have a lease on the property)
Liquor licences cannot be transferred. Anyone wanting a new licence, buying a business that previously held a licence or adding another licence, must apply for a new liquor licence.
There are multiple stages to the application process. A stage must be complete before the application can move to the next stage. You will be notified when you move to the next stage, and told what must be submitted to complete that stage. At any stage, incomplete applications will be returned. Failure to provide a complete application may lead to your entire application being withdrawn with no refund of your application fee.
You must be honest in your application. The LGCA conducts background investigations on all applications as part of the licensing process. Failing to disclose complete and relevant information in the application will result in a more detailed investigation, longer processing time, and the possible denial of a licence. Investigations that include criminal charges, bankruptcies and civil proceedings do not automatically result in the denial of a licence.
Processing times can be impacted by:
- time required to obtain necessary municipal, provincial or federal approvals
- further investigation of any of the information provided
- public objections to the application
- proposals that are unique or new to the Manitoba market
While you go through the licensing process, your establishment can be open but no liquor can be kept on the premises, sold or served until you are licensed.
Application: $1,000 CAD
Annual: $1,000 CAD
Find out how the LGCA assesses the maximum capacity of licensed premises.
Liquor Service Authorizations: How to Request
Admit Minors in Age-Restricted Premises
A request for the authorization to admit minors can be sent to
In the request, you must detail:
- the type of authorization to admit minors they are requesting (community event or during certain days and/or times);
- the measures they will take to ensure that it is appropriate for minors to be in the age-restricted licensed premises;
- how the design and layout of the premises is appropriate for minors; and
- how the nature of activities at the premises are appropriate for minors.