Changes to the Liquor Gaming and Cannabis Control Act simplify liquor service licensing for Manitoba businesses. The number of licence categories has been reduced from six to two: age-restricted and general. The new framework reduces red tape, creates more flexibility and emphasizes public safety.


For liquor-focused businesses that offer activities intended for adults. Find out more about age-restricted licences. 


For businesses that are appropriate for minors. Find our more about general licences. 

Changes go into effect immediately. Current licensees do not need to do anything when the changes take effect and can continue serving liquor. They will automatically transition to one of the new licence categories. A new licence will be issued at your next annual review or renewal. 

Liquor Service Licence Transitions

The following table outlines how previous liquor service licences will transition into either a general or age-restricted liquor service licence with the new framework. Most former licence categories will become general liquor service licences, unless otherwise stated below.

New liquor service licence table graphic

Exceptions to the above table

  • If you previously held a dining room/lounge liquor service licence and have video lottery terminals in the lounge portion of your licensed premises, you will transition to a general liquor service licence with a term that prohibits minors from entering your lounge.
  • If you previously held a customer/member service liquor service licence and operate a stand-alone bar, you will transition to an age-restricted liquor service licence.
  • If you previously held an entertainment facility liquor service licence and operate a nightclub or entertainment venue, you will transition to an age-restricted liquor service licence.
  • If you previously held a unique hospitality venue liquor service licence and operate a casino, gaming centre or stand-alone bar, you will transition to an age-restricted liquor service licence.

Frequently Asked Questions