• Ethics Dictionary Definition graphic

    The LGCA collects data in accordance with The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Personal information gathered by the LGCA through research (e.g. surveys, interviews, focus groups) is considered confidential.

All research firms and consultants that provide services to the LGCA sign contracts ensuring that they will safeguard confidential information. In almost all cases, the information is analyzed in aggregate and anonymized form, which means that it is impossible to link answers to a specific person.

Please email our research department or contact us at 204-927-5300 or toll-free at 1-800-782-0363 if you have participated in a LGCA research study and have any questions regarding the use of your personal information.

Ethics Review Panel

The LGCA has a standing panel of independent academics who review the ethics of our research. These panelists examine our project plans to ensure we meet all standards of ethical conduct for research involving humans. The panel has an advisory role; the LGCA ultimately is responsible for ensuring that our research projects meet all applicable ethical standards.

Panel members include:

  • Katherine Starzyk, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba
  • Karen Kampen, Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Manitoba
  • Shannon Gadbois, Associate Professor, Psychology, Brandon University