  • A Calcutta auction is a lottery scheme associated with competitive events such as curling bonspiels, rodeo and goose shoots, to name a few. Competitors in the events are sold by auction to people in attendance at the Calcutta auction and the purchaser(s) of the winning competitor share a predetermined percentage of the proceeds of the sale.

Only charitable and religious organizations can hold a Calcutta auction event. The LGCA licenses these types of organizations to conduct calcutta auctions in accordance with Section 207(1)(b) of the Criminal Code (Canada). You can learn if your organization is eligible to apply for a licence by reviewing the LGCA's eligibility guide (click here). If your organization has never been licensed or has not had a licence in three years or more, you must submit background information to show your eligibility for  a licence.

Terms and Conditions

Organizations holding Calcutta auction events must comply with the terms and conditions set by the LGCA.


As of April 1, 2023, the licence fee is 1.0% of the actual gross revenue of the Calcutta auction. The fee is due after the event when you submit your financial reports. The LGCA will let you know what your reporting requirements are when your licence is issued.

Application Forms

You cannot advertise your Calcutta auction event until your licence is approved.

Frequently Asked Questions