
A raffle is a lottery scheme where a prize(s) is awarded randomly to someone who has purchased a chance to win.
The most common types of raffles the LGCA licenses are:
- Regular raffle: A predetermined number of tickets are printed and sold. Winners are chosen by pulling a ticket stub from the pool of all tickets sold.
- Player’s choice raffle: These are also called rainbow auctions. Players choose which draw they wish to participate in from displayed prizes (or prize packages) and place their tickets in the respective draw bag, bin, box or pail.
- Percentage payout raffle: These are also called 50/50s. A number of tickets are sold and a predetermined percentage of sales is identified as the prize(s).
- Chase the card raffle: These are commonly called chase the ace, track the jack, or other similar catchy names, and are a 50/50-style raffle. Organizers preselect a specific card and players purchase tickets for a draw. The draw winner picks a card from a deck of facedown playing cards and if they pick the preselected card, they win the prize. If the card they pick isn't the preselected card, the jackpot increases and the raffle continues on future dates until someone picks the preselected card. Chase the card raffles operate differently from other raffles and have their own standard rules of play.
- Calendar raffle: A predetermined number of tickets are printed and sold (usually on the back page of an actual calendar) and each ticket has a chance to win any number of times during a specified series of draws (e.g. daily, weekly or monthly). Calendar raffles can be for a portion of a year or for an entire year.
- Sport or event raffle: Examples include Grey Cup or Super Bowl raffles. Tickets are produced with scores marked on each portion of the ticket. The winners are determined by matching the score in the game with the score on the ticket. Tickets are printed in a series containing all possible scores and are sealed to prevent the score combination from being seen before the tickets are purchased.
The LGCA licenses charitable and religious organizations to conduct raffles in accordance with Section 207(1)(b) of the Criminal Code (Canada). To learn if an organization is eligible to apply for a licence by reviewing the LGCA's eligibility guide (click here) for the requirements. If an organization has never been licensed or has not had a licence in three years or more, the organization must submit background information to show your eligibility for a licence.
Individuals groups or businesses that are not a charitable or religious organization and want to hold a one-time event at a venue such as a banquet hall, restaurant, bar or community centre are able to apply for a social occasion raffle licence. This licence allows raffles such as 50/50s or player’s choice raffles to be offered at the event.
All raffles must be licensed regardless of the expected revenue and how the profits will be used. Conducting a raffle without a licence is a criminal offence.
Organizations holding raffles must comply with the terms and conditions set by the LGCA. An organization’s house rules may be used with the LGCA’s standard rules of play.
There are no fees for raffles with anticipated gross revenue of $10,000 or less.
As of April 1, 2023, for raffles with anticipated gross revenue over $10,000, the licence fee is 1.0% of the actual gross revenue. The fee is due after the event when the financial reports for the raffle are submitted. The LGCA will provide the reporting requirements when the licence is issued.
Electronic Raffle Systems
An electronic raffle system is computer software and related equipment used by raffle licensees to sell tickets, account for sales, determine winners through random selection, and to distribute prizes. Only charitable and religious organizations with a raffle licence are eligible to use an electronic raffle system.
To be approved to use an electronic raffle system, an organization's raffle licence application must include information about how they are proposing to use the electronic raffle system. The supplier of the electronic raffle system must be licensed by the LGCA and the electronic raffle system must be tested by an accredited testing facility approved by the LGCA.
How to apply
You can apply for a raffle licence at MyLGCA.ca (click here to be redirected).
How to make changes to a licence
Organizations that hold a charitable licence must notify the LGCA of any changes they want to make to their event, such as changes to dates, use of profits or expenses. The LGCA must approve the changes before the organization can advertise or implement them. You can submit an amendment at MyLGCA.ca (click here to be redirected).
A MyLGCA account is necessary for an organization to submit an amendment. Organizations that do not have a MyLGCA account will need to contact the LGCA for an invitation link which will be sent via email. Click here for our Contact Us form, select Gaming Licence and indicate that your organization needs to set up a MyLGCA account. You may instead phone 204-927-5300 or Manitoba only toll-free 1-800-782-0363, and ask to speak with a member of the Charitable Services department.
To ask for accessibility accommodation when making an application or requesting an amendment, contact the LGCA's Charitable Services department by phone at 204-927-5300 or by Manitoba only toll-free phone at 1-800-782-0363.
Raffle Listing
Click here for a current list of LGCA-licensed raffles.
Click here for information about pending raffle applications.
These lists do not include ongoing raffles such as weekly 50/50 draws or community raffles with anticipated revenue of $10,000 or less.