In 2006, the Manitoba Gaming Control Commission (MGCC), Addictions Foundation of Manitoba and Manitoba Lotteries partnered to fund the Manitoba Longitudinal Study of Young Adults (MLSYA), which followed 679 Manitobans between the ages of 18 and 20 over a five year period from 2007 to 2011. Long-term studies that track the same individuals over time are ideal for understanding young adults’ changing gambling behaviour and for identifying the factors that can be linked to these changes.

Although the MLSYA was designed as a gambling study, the dataset can be used to examine many issues affecting young adults in Manitoba. Along with our MLSYA partners, the LGCA is pleased to make this valuable longitudinal dataset available to external researchers. If you are interested in applying for access to this dataset, please click here for information about data access.

    Many academics have applied to use the MLSYA in their research. Publications based on this work are listed below:

    Co-development of Problem Gambling and Depression Symptoms in Emerging Adults: A Parallel-Process Latent Class Growth Model (2018, Journal of Gambling Studies)
    Jason D. Edgerton, Matthew T. Keough, Lance W. Roberts

    An exploratory study of alcohol dependence and
    problem gambling co-development trajectories in
    young adults (2018, International Gambling Studies)

    Jason D. Edgerton, Matthew T. Keough, Lance W. Roberts

    An Exploration of Depression Symptom
    Trajectories, and Their Predictors,
    in a Canadian Sample of Emerging Adults (2018, Emerging Adulthood)

    Jason D. Edgerton, Souradet Shaw, Lance W. Roberts

    A Longitudinal Study of the Temporal Relation Between Problem Gambling and Mental and Substance Use Disorders Among Young Adults (2016, The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry)
    Tracie O. Afifi, Ryan Nicholson, Silvia S. Martins, Jitender Sareen

    Investigating Possible Reciprocal Relations Between Depressive and Problem Gambling Symptoms in Emerging Adults (2016, The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry)
    Annie Chinneck, Sean P. Mackinnon, Sherry H. Stewart

    Relations of Five-Factor Personality Domains to Gambling Motives in Emerging Adult Gamblers: A Longitudinal Study (2016, Journal of Gambling Studies)
    Sean P. Mackinnon, Laura Lambe, Sherry H. Stewart

    The Temporal Relationship Between Faulty Gambling Cognitions and Gambling Severity in Young Adults (2016, Journal of Gambling Studies)
    Ryan Nicholson, Chad Graves, Michael Ellery, Tracie O. Afifi

    An exploratory study of multiple distinct gambling trajectories in emerging adults (2015, Journal of Youth Studies)
    Jason D. Edgerton, Timothy S. Melnyk, Lance W. Roberts

    Validation of the Gambling Motives Questionnaire in Emerging Adults (2015, Journal of Gambling Studies)
    Laura Lambe, Sean P. Mackinnon, Sherry H. Stewart

    Problem Gambling and the Youth-to-Adulthood Transition: Assessing Problem Gambling Severity Trajectories in a Sample of Young Adults (2014, Journal of Gambling Studies)
    Jason D. Edgerton, Timothy S. Melnyk, Lance W. Roberts