Before You Play

Learn How Much You can Afford to Gamble graphic

Do you set limits before you gamble?

LGCA research indicates that a portion of Manitobans do not regularly set limits before participating in gambling activities. People who always set limits have a lower risk of experiencing gambling harm, such as overspending and negative impacts to family and well-being.

In February 2022, the LGCA launched our Know My Gambling Limits campaign to promote lower-risk gambling guidelines. The new public education messaging encourages adult Manitobans to think about their gambling before they play and to set limits for their gambling.

The lower-risk gambling guidelines were developed by the Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) after a multi-year research project and the LGCA has incorporated these guidelines within our Know My Gambling Limits public education. Click here to visit the CCSA's lower-risk gambling guidelines website.

The lower-risk gambling guidelines are:
•   Gamble no more than 1% of household income before tax per month.
•   Gamble no more than 4 days per month.
•   Avoid regularly gambling at more than 2 types of games.

The campaign links the lower-risk gambling guidelines with familiar gambling activities to show how the guidelines can be followed and to make informed choices when gambling.

Learn How Much You can Afford to Gamble graphic

Learn How Much You can Afford to Gamble graphic

The LGCA's Know My Limits public education campaigns that encourage lower-risk alcohol and cannabis consumption, and gambling participation, run in English and French across the province via a media mix of digital and social media, as well as billboards, transit and poster ads.

For more information on the Know My Gambling Limits campaign, visit our public education website: