Manitoba Cannabis Survey
Cannabis is the most commonly-used illicit substance, however, research specific to Manitoba is limited. In preparation for the LGCA’s role as cannabis regulator, we collected information on how Manitobans used cannabis, how their activities might change after legalization and their expectations for information and public safety. Now, and over time, this survey and other information will help the LGCA build Manitobans’ knowledge about cannabis and monitor the impact of legalization.
According to the survey, 21.4% of adults in the province used cannabis in the past year, and another 21.1% said that they may try cannabis when it becomes legal. Manitobans want to see clear rules around driving, preventing underage purchase and use, and locations where use is allowed. They also wanted public education to address the health risks of cannabis for adults and youth, and to provide information about lower-risk consumption.
Click below to access the 2017 Manitoba Cannabis Survey report or the infographic that summarizes the findings.