2008-09 Annual Report English

MGCC 2008-09 Annual Report English: […] access to ensure continued operations in the event of an emergency or work disruption. the department also provided technical expertise and guidance that laid the foundation for the design and maintenance of MGCC’s new client-focused website, which was launched in november. Several hardware upgrades, including installation of a new server, were also completed during the year to enhance systems power, […]

2010-11 Annual Report English

MGCC 2010-11 Annual Report English: […] details were clarified and ready for implementation at the beginning of the 2011/12 fiscal year. Within the realms of administration and property, this department was also responsible for landlord liaison, maintenance, and improvements and enhancements to security and access for the MGCC’s main office in Winnipeg and for satellite offices in Brandon, Portage La Prairie and The Pas. 28 Financial […]

2011-12 Annual Report English

MGCC 2011-12 Annual Report English: […] 2012. t he annual financial statements are published in this report beginning on page 24. Within the realms of administration and property, this department is also responsible for landlord liaison, maintenance, and improvements and enhancements to security and access for the MGCC’s main office in Winnipeg and satellite offices in Brandon, portage la prairie and the pas. 23 annual report […]

2012-13 Annual Report English

MGCC 2012-13 Annual Report English: […] is responsible for all aspects of financial management, including financial reporting and analysis, budgeting and planning, safeguarding of assets, investing and cash flow management. The department also oversees landlord liaison, maintenance and improvements for the MGCC’s main office in Winnipeg and satellite offices in Brandon, Portage la Prairie and The Pas. In 2012/13, in keeping with the department’s goal of […]

2008-09 Annual Report French

MGCC 2008-09 Annual Report French: […] d’urgence ou de perturbation du travail . Le Service a également fourni de l’orientation et de l’ expertise technique qui ont jeté les bases de la conception et de la maintenance du nouveau site Web axé sur le client de la Com mission, lancé en novembre. Plusieurs mises à niveau du matériel, dont l’ installation d’un nouveau serveur , ont […]

2006-07 Annual Report English

MGCC 2006-07 Annual Report English: […] meeting space within the MGCC’s current Winnipeg location. MANI TOBA GAMING CON T ROL COMMISSION | 17 | GoAl Maximize per formance and productivit y and encourage a positive and professional work environment. St RA teGIeS • Establish and implement innovative corporate human resources development initiatives that strengthen the MGCC’s knowledge base through training, per formance management, professional development and […]

2013-14 Annual Report English

MGCC 2013-14 Annual Report English: […] business planning, implementation and reporting cycle to conduct financial reporting and analysis, budgeting and planning, safe guarding of assets, investing and cash flow management. The department also oversees landlord liaison, maintenance a nd improvements for the MGCC’s main office in Winnipeg and satellite offices in Brandon, Portage la Prairie and The P as. The department ensures financial accountability and transparency […]

2009-10 Annual Report English

MGCC 2009-10 Annual Report Englsh: […] prepared by public sector entities. In 2010/11, discussions with the OAG regarding necessary accounting changes and statement presentation will be undertaken, with new measures implemented as required. Property management and maintenance also fall under the oversight of the Finance Department. Key accomplishments for these accountabilities included oversight for landlord maintenance and improvements, enhancements to security and access to MGCC’s main […]