Working in consultation with Manitoba’s Hospitality Industry Advisory Committee, the LGA finalizes and launches terms and conditions that establish clear regulatory parameters for each type of liquor service and retail liquor licence.


In November 2015, the LGA launches MyLGA.ca as a new web-based option for the public to apply for social occasion permits that authorize Manitobans to serve and sell liquor at socials, family and community events, fundraisers and festivals. This is just the beginning of online services, with plans eventually to expand MyLGA.ca to include online applications for most LGA licences.


A new vision for modernization The Manitoba government announces plans to create a safer and more welcoming environment for economic development related to Manitoba’s hospitality sector. Manitoba’s new Liquor and Gaming Control Act becomes law. The new legislation and regulations balance consumer choice and business flexibility within a framework of public safety and social responsibility. The majority of changes affect Manitoba liquor laws that were created …


Public consultations summary for a new liquor and gaming regulatory framework is released.


The Government of Manitoba engaged MNP to assist with the process of creating the new entity for liquor and gaming operations. Their report is released in late 2012. Public consultations led by the Liquor and Gaming Regulatory Consultation Committee were held across Manitoba in fall 2012. A discussion paper invites public and industry comment. The province releases its Scorecard to report on progress on the New Hospitality Strategy that received …


”Bring your own wine” program comes into effect. In November, Manitoba joins other provinces in allowing patrons to bring their own bottle of unopened wine to a restaurant to enjoy with a meal. Participating restaurants can charge a corkage fee. Preparations begin for boutique-style liquor stores. MLCC invites urban grocery stores to express interest in hosting Liquor Mart Express stores. Up to …


Manitoba’s photo ID system is streamlined. MLCC ceases its program after Manitoba Public Insurance introduces a new form of government-issued photo ID for non-drivers.


Patrons can carry drinks to washrooms within or adjacent to licensed premises.


Diners can take home unconsumed wine. Restaurants can re-cork a bottle of wine that has been served with a meal, allowing the patron to take the bottle home to finish at another time.


Promotions encouraging excessive drinking are outlawed. Manitoba bans all-you-can-drink promotions and contests where alcohol consumption is part of the game.