Compliance Orders

The LGCA uses a risk-based inspections model that focuses on public safety. Risk is assessed based on factors that include each licensee's compliance history and the characteristics of their licence.

We use a progressive discipline model when breaches are identified. This model begins with information and training, cautions and written warnings, to escalation to management and, rarely, referral to the LGCA’s executive director to issue a formal compliance order as prescribed in The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act.

Click on the links below to view fiscal year summaries of compliance orders:


The LGCA works to ensure that our licensees understand and comply with liquor, gaming, cannabis and horse racing regulations in Manitoba. The executive director has the authority to make decisions and issue orders requiring licensees to follow certain rules or meet specific conditions.

If licensees disagree, they may escalate their concern to a higher level:

  • The executive director’s decisions and orders may be appealed to the LGCA board.
  • The LGCA board’s decisions may be appealed to the Court of Queen’s Bench in certain circumstances.

This appeal process allows licensees to resolve concerns and complaints promptly and fairly. Appeal hearings are open to the public, although the LGCA board may make an order that an appeal or any part of it may be closed to the public under certain circumstances.

Click here for more information on how to file an appeal and on our appeal process.

If you have been charged with a provincial offence under a Manitoba provincial statute, regulation or municipal bylaw, click here for the Guide for Defendants for Manitoba Provincial Offences that was developed by the Department of Justice.

Requests for Review of Horse Racing Rulings

A horse racing licensee requesting a review must ensure the LGCA receives their request within four days of the licensee receiving the written notice of a ruling from race administration officials.

If you are a horse racing licensee and want to request a review of a written notice, click here to download the Notice to Request Review.



The board’s decision on an appeal is legally binding. In their decision, the board may uphold, change or overturn the decision. They may also refer the matter back to the executive director for further consideration.  The board’s reasons must be included in the decision. Written decisions can be found below.

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the media and want to request information about a decision, submit your request on our media contact page.