Know My Cannabis Limits (phase III)

The LGCA launched its Know My Cannabis Limits campaign in November 2019, to get Manitobans thinking about limit-setting strategies when new cannabis products, including food and beverages, become available for purchase in December. Click here to read the news release.
This campaign focuses on potential health and safety risks to the user and people around them, the risks associated with intoxication, the delayed onset of effects from edible cannabis products, and unfamiliarity with new cannabis classes and the levels of THC. It also helps ensure cannabis consumption is not normalized among young adults or other individuals who are considering using cannabis.
The LGCA launched its phase I campaign about cannabis laws in early September 2018 and its phase II campaign about setting limits in October 2018 to coincide with the legalization of dried cannabis products. Similar to the first two phases, Know My Limits will run in English and French across the province via a media mix of digital and social media, as well as billboards, transit, poster ads and point of sale materials at licensed cannabis stores.
For more information, visit